morty function invoke

morty function invoke

Invoke a function


Invoke a function using default options or choose HTTP method, body, headers etc.

morty function invoke NAME [flags]


  -d, --data string           The body to pass to the invocation request.
  -H, --headers stringArray   The headers to pass to invocation request.
  -h, --help                  help for invoke
  -X, --method string         The HTTP method to use to invoke the request. Valid values are: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE (default "GET")
  -p, --param stringArray     Params to pass to the invocation request.
  -q, --query string          A valid JSON Path expression to execute on the function response. If the function output isn't a JSON, the flag will have no effect. (default "$")
      --version string        The version of the function to invoke. (default "latest")

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbose count   Level of verbosity: -v for INFO, -vv for DEBUG, -vvv for TRACE.

See Also